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Howl My Name (BBW Paranormal Shapeshifter Romance) (Grayslake Book 5) Read online

Page 4

  The ability to discern the smells surprised her a little, but the last two words astounded her. She wasn’t sure why, really. He’d taken the place of the Itan. Even if he was a wolf, he was the leader of the clan. But still… “Your home?”

  What would happen to her? To Simone?

  “I misspoke,” he whispered against her mouth and she suddenly realized how close they’d become. She should back away, put space between them and shake her attraction off. “Our home. Me, you, and Simone. This place is ours.”

  “I don’t… I…” She’d been so strong for so long. She’d had a purpose for years. Survive as a half-werebear with her grandmother’s clan. Work through medical school. Endure her father’s clan and uncles’ treatment. Now… “I don’t know what’s going on here, Reid. I’m lost.”

  “And I found you. You’re not lost anymore.” His kiss was gentle and she didn’t have the strength to retreat. Hell, she didn’t want to pull away. Despite the emotional destruction and the physical pain still pummeling her, she wanted to stay close to him—to the male who’d killed without remorse. “You’re mine.”

  “The clan is yours.”

  “Evie,” his gaze was unwavering. “The clan became mine the minute I tore your father’s heart from his chest.”

  “That was some twisted shit,” Asher murmured and Evelyn had to agree. As much as her father deserved to die, that seemed a bit… excessive.

  Reid spoke as if he hadn’t heard Asher, but she didn’t doubt the words reached the wolf. He seemed to know everything about, well, everything. “But you became mine the second you told me to snap your uncle’s neck.”

  She wasn’t proud of that moment, the two words that left her mouth as she stared at the man responsible for the deep gouge in her calf. “But…”

  “But nothing. It’s done. I don’t expect you to accept me. We don’t know each other and I’m not sure if you scent me the way I smell you because you’re a half shifter, but you’re mine.” His lips were soft, another careful brush of moist skin on skin and she couldn’t help but lean into him. Her curves easily molded to the hard planes of his body and she sighed into his mouth. He retreated just enough to speak against her lips. “I’m gonna do my best to be patient, but I’m not leaving. I fought for the clan and I’m keeping it. I’m keeping you.”

  “Reid, you can’t just…”

  A harsh cough startled her, reminding her they stood in the kitchen in front of everyone. She jerked in his arms, intent on getting away, when Reid’s growl had her freezing in place.

  “Asher, so help me God, I will rip off your head and shove it up your ass,” he snarled and Evelyn followed the direction of Reid’s gaze.

  “Noted, but,” Asher tilted his head to the side with a quick jerk, “just telling you we’ve got company.”

  Evelyn twisted farther, turning in Reid’s arms as she focused on the doorway—on the handful of bears crowding the porch. One woman stepped forward, hand resting on the curve of her swelling stomach. Katherine. One of her father and uncle’s regular visitors.

  “Katherine?” Evelyn’s low whisper was echoed by Asher, but she ignored him. “What’s going on?”

  The woman took a hesitant step forward. “Simone called.”

  Reid’s hold loosened, but he didn’t release her. In all honesty, she didn’t want him to. Not when his last words continued to whisper through her mind. I’m keeping you.

  “She said… Is it true?” Katherine’s gaze flicked from Evelyn’s to Reid’s and back again. “Are they… Simone said we had a new Itan. That it was safe to… Is it?”

  Evelyn tilted her head back to meet Reid’s stare and when he spoke, it wasn’t to the pregnant woman, but her. “I ripped Patrick Archer’s heart from his chest, I tore Daniel Archer’s throat from his body, and I snapped Sean Archer’s neck. We’ll burn them to ash and celebrate their deaths.” She trembled and Reid’s hold tightened, squeezing her just shy of painful as if he was afraid she’d run from him.

  “And…” Katherine’s fingers tightened on her stomach and there was no missing the fine tremble that overtook her small frame. “And the other.”

  And Ezekiel? That was the woman’s true question. Yes, Katherine was a regular visitor, but she was Zeke’s favorite. Everything inside Evelyn said the baby Katherine carried belonged to her uncle.

  “As soon as I find Ezekiel, he will suffer the same fate. I lost him at the creek, but I will find him.” Reid’s gaze remained on Evelyn as he gave Katherine that deadly promise.

  “Good.” Evelyn placed a hand on his chest, memorizing the beat of his heart and the flavors of his scent as they surrounded her, filled her. “I’m glad.”

  Glad her father was dead and her family along with him. She had Simone—and Reid?—and that would be enough.

  A sob tore through the room, snaring their attention once more. Katherine slumped, fingers pressed to her lips as tears cascaded down her face. Asher was the closest and he darted forward, catching her before she tumbled to the ground. Her eyes were closed, as yet another cry erupted from her throat, but one message was easily heard. “Thank you,” she whispered. “Thank you, thank you, thank…” she hiccupped and then Simone was there, her small body nudging Asher away and the two clung to each other.

  Evelyn had known them only a few weeks—a short time compared to the other women in the clan—and she worried what other atrocities they’d endured.

  When those thick arms tightened around her, his face buried in her hair, she slowly realized they’d discover the answer… together. Whether she liked it or not, apparently.

  Chapter Six

  Reid managed to keep his hands to himself after that embrace near the kitchen. He watched Evie fuss over Katherine and a few other females who’d crept into the house over the last several hours. It wasn’t until he got a good look at them all, the way they shied from the half dozen Grayslake bears and clung to each other, that he realized the size of his problem.

  This wasn’t a matter of a few assholes getting off on pain. He’d met plenty of those, killed more than a few. This was… Goddamn. It was something. Something Terrence hadn’t warned him about. He kept his gaze trained on the whispering women, their voices low but still discernible. They were worried, petrified, about him, his men, and what was to become of the clan.

  Apparently killing their nightmares didn’t calm ’em any. What did a guy have to do to get a little appreciation?

  The AC kicked on, blowing a new wave of cool air through the room and as one, the women swung their attention to him. He got five frightened looks, along with a single dose of curiosity from Evie. Well, at least she wasn’t afraid of him.

  With a sigh, he ran a hand through his hair and sought out Asher with his gaze. The male was a pain in the ass, but dependable and strong as hell. If he could manage to sew the bear’s mouth shut long enough, he’d be a perfect second. Which was probably why Terrence sent him along on the trip.

  Asher came toward him the minute their eyes locked. His steps were soft and slow, careful in an attempt to not frighten the women. He should just tell the male not to bother. They were gonna be afraid. Not much to be done for it.

  “Itan?” Asher murmured.

  “I need to make a call. None of the local bears have made an appearance, but if they do, they don’t come inside. Tell ’em an official announcement will happen in the next few days. For now, they have a new Itan. No other women in the house unless Simone gives the all-clear.”

  “Not Evie?” Asher frowned, brows furrowed.

  “Evelyn,” he snapped. If anyone was going to annoy the shit out of Evie for the nickname it was gonna be him. “And she’s new to the clan. Kids…” His gut clenched, memories striking him in the heart. “Kids hear everything, and remember it all. Use her knowledge.”

  “True enough,” the bear nodded. “True enough.”

  With a grunt of agreement, he left the small group in the living room and was damn thankful there was a local furniture store. He’
d sent out men to replace nearly everything, and if females continued to show up, they’d need a place for everyone to sit. He wasn’t too sure about the males he’d eventually encounter, but he’d worry about those fights when the time came. For now, he had other worries.

  Reid fished out his phone and ran his thumb across the screen. He had fifty-four missed calls. Huh. Less than he thought. Even as he stared at the phone, another came through. Conveniently, it was from the male he needed.

  Grinning, he answered. “Aw, honey, I was just thinking of you.”

  The responding snarl had him smiling wider. “What is going on down there?”

  They were north of Terrence’s compound, so down wasn’t really accurate, but he wasn’t ready to correct the Southeast Itan. Not when he needed something from the male. “Funny thing. I wanted to ask you the same.”

  “I’m getting calls, Reid. Never hear from Brookfield and now I’m suddenly getting calls all over the place.”

  “So am I. From you. Tell me who’s being a little bitch and calling you instead of talking to me?” He needed to know so he could kick their ass. He had enough shit. He didn’t need a tattletale siccing Terrence on him.

  “I’m hearing shit I don’t like.”

  “I’m seeing it,” Reid countered. “And it ain’t pretty.” He sighed before going further. “I have no clue what happened here or what’s been happening, but I’ve got a room full of women who look like they’re ready to crawl out of their own skin if I look at ’em.” He realized that wasn’t unheard of when it came to him. “All right, they freak out if Asher looks at ’em.”

  “Damn,” Terrence’s whispered curse said it all. Asher was the closest thing to a puppy the bears had.

  Bastard in a fight, but cute and cuddly when needed. That smile had more than one set of panties dropping. Evie’s better not though. He should kill Asher in a preemptive strike.

  “Yeah, so why don’t you tell me—really tell me—why I’m here. What brought me here?” He didn’t need to know what would keep him in Brookfield. It was about five-six, nice and curvy, with lips that tasted like strawberries and skin as pale as milk.

  “Got a call on the hotline not quite a week ago. Five days. Mentioned that meat was spoiled and they needed heavy duty cleanup.”

  “Five days?” From what he understood, Evie was the one who called. Evie who they’d held in that basement, beating the shit out of her. Had she been there the whole time? “Why didn’t you send me the second you got the call?”

  “You were busy,” Terrence drawled. “Getting your ass handed to you by your half-sister’s mate.”

  Reid snorted. “I let that wolf win. He had to feel like the big man on his own land.”

  “But you let him really go at you which had you bitching about bruises and then somehow you got tied up in what you like to call ‘family bullshit.’”

  Wasn’t that the truth? He’d grumbled and growled for days, but he secretly enjoyed the hell out of laughing kids and adults who weren’t trying to figure out where best to stab someone. “You should have sent someone else, Terrence.”

  “I sent the best. I always send the best.”

  “You should have told me what I’d find.”

  “I gave you what I had, Reid. I’m sorry for whatever you found, for whatever anyone suffered because I didn’t send you sooner.” The bear sighed, the sound heavy and filled with regret. “If I’d known it was what you’ve described, I would have done more. My gut told me the clan needed the best. Wolf or not, you’re it when it comes to wet work.”

  His gut clenched. Yeah, he was. More out of necessity than choice, but no one really knew that. They didn’t understand what ran through his head when blood coated his hands. “I need any information you have about Brookfield. About the families here. About Patrick Archer’s kids.”

  The rustle of papers reached him immediately followed by the beep and clicks from a computer. “Kids?” A handful more clicks. “He’s single. Had a human mate who died under suspicious circumstances during childbirth. The child, a girl, passed as well. Patrick challenged his father not long after. He took over and surrounded himself with his brothers. Why? What do you see?”

  Reid moved back to the office doorway and leaned against the frame. He spied the women, his men stationed around the room guarding them. Some kept their gazes trained on the windows and the land beyond while others zeroed in on the females. He wasn’t worried—exactly—but he wouldn’t relax until Ezekiel was gone. He liked killing just as much as the next shifter, sometimes a little too much. No one knew he had a purpose, a reason behind each and every slice and drop of blood he spilled.

  To them, he was a monster.

  In truth, they had no idea.

  “I’m seeing Evelyn Archer, near thirty. Right next to her is Simone Archer, just shy of twelve based on some of the documents I dug up in the office.” He scanned the room, gaze falling on each guard one by one and making sure they were diligent. “I’m also seeing five women who are damn happy those three are gone.” He lowered his voice and turned his head away from the group, fighting to be as quiet as possible. “More than one is pregnant, Terrence, and I have my own guesses about the fathers.”


  Yeah, shit.

  “What did the caller say? What else am I looking at here?”

  “Why don’t you ask one of—”

  “I’m not asking any of them anything yet. I’m taking control. I cleaned house and I’m making this place safe. I’ll talk to them after I get things stable and Ezekiel dead.”

  “What about Clary? I could send her up there.”

  Nervous tension consumed his body as he thought about his therapist. He listened to her orders, not much choice since her opinion mattered to Terrence. But even beyond that, she was one scary bitch.

  And shit, if she showed, she’d probably take something else away for killing the Archers. Like sex. If she grounded him from sex after he’d found Evie…

  “No, I have it. Maybe later.” After he had a few others on his side who could speak up for him. “We don’t need to drag her into the middle of God’s asshole.”

  Yes, he sounded like a pussy. Yes, he had reason. ’Nuff said.

  “You sure? The callers have said…” All business but sounding so casual, telling Reid that Terrence didn’t believe him. With good reason, but he wouldn’t cop to that.

  Well, calm was probably what the bear went for. But Reid heard the slight tremor that couldn’t be attributed to cell reception. The small hitch in his breath and a hint of his heartbeat picking up its pace. Just because no one else could catch those sounds didn’t mean they couldn’t be heard.

  It meant that others didn’t have the training. They hadn’t been raised in a house where survival hinged on listening and learning the way a male moved when he was happy or the speed at which he could lunge when he was furious.

  “Not at this time.”

  Not ever if the woman continued to take shit away from him.

  “Fine, anything else?”

  Reid’s gaze traveled through the main area of the house. Terrence sent him six of his best, but that wasn’t enough to hold the clan and hunt for Ezekiel at the same time. “Another six bears. Wolves in a pinch. The clan has about sixty bears. I’d like to be able to out fight them if I need to.”

  “Something else going on I need to know about?”

  “Nothing major. I gotta do some hunting, and I want everyone,” —particularly Evie— “protected while I’m gone.”


  “There aren’t any local bears I trust.” Staring at the women, looking at their wounded gazes and trembling bodies, he knew outside help was the only choice. “I don’t know if the abuse was limited to the inner-circle. I won’t let my clan be eaten up from inside while I’m distracted. Until I get shit cleaned up, I need your males. If you have to, grab some from my old pack. There are still a few crazy fuckers who wouldn’t mind getting bloody.”

“Compared to you, they’re sane.”

  Reid grunted. “True enough.”

  “All right, anything else you need?”

  Evie lifted her head, attention flitting around the room until her gaze landed on him. “Nope, I got everything else right here.”

  Chapter Seven

  Evelyn didn’t have to see Reid to know where he stood or when he moved through the house without saying a word. She sensed his retreat to Patrick’s office and then heard the heavy thud of his boots as he reappeared and drew closer to the small cluster of women. And when the females went quiet, not even a whisper escaping their lips, she knew he was close.

  A quick glance over her shoulder revealed she was right. He stood at her back, over six feet of heavy muscle and foreboding fewer than eight feet from them. He was frightening yet calming to Evelyn, her bear wary but interested in the massive male. She’d seen so much in the last weeks, witnessed so much violence, the mere thoughts had bile rising in her throat.

  Yet knowing—witnessing—Reid’s destruction didn’t sicken her and she didn’t know why.

  Or rather, she did, she just didn’t want to accept the truth. Was it a truth, though? His kiss rocked her to her core and her bear craved him like a fresh steak. That could be appreciation, a thankfulness that came from being saved. Was it more? Was it less?

  Did she care? Did she care that she clung to him out of obligation and appreciation? That she wasn’t sure she could even breathe with him out of sight. She’d been fine—fine—when he’d gone hunting, but his touch, that kiss, changed something. It twisted and turned and now—

  “Evelyn.” There was no question there. No rise in his voice that came with asking for someone’s attention. It was flat. As if he expected her attention as his due.

  And… her bear said he had every right. That they wanted him to demand control, take it. She slowly turned, unwilling to frighten the females in her haste to face him. Yet another quirk she’d never experienced. The hurry, the rush of desire to meet his gaze. “Yes?”