Roaring Up the Wrong Tree Read online

Page 18

  Some of the tension drifted from his body with his heaving sigh. “Okay.” He dropped a kiss to her head. “Let’s see what the fuss is about. I’m guessing it’s some sort of intervention. Mom’s gotten into those shows lately.”

  That did not reassure her.

  Keen eased her arms from him and grasped her hand, using his hold to urge her toward the house. Dread filled her with every step, memories of the last time she’d stepped over the threshold assaulting her. Blood, she remembered the blood and fear, and Keen’s eruptive shift followed by his fierce protection.

  “Keen… What if…” What if Van suddenly decided he didn’t need to listen to Ty—or even George—any longer?

  He paused, brought her hand to his lips. “Tris?” She raised her gaze to his and he continued speaking. “I may not be as unstable any longer, but I will allow nothing to happen to you. Nothing.”

  Right. She knew that. Instead of pushing words past her lips, she merely nodded and allowed him to draw her forward.

  She had a feeling of déjà vu as her steps echoed on the worn stairs, and over the wood of the front porch. The screen door opened easily when Keen twisted the knob and then they were inside the home. The musk of bear invaded the space with no hint of blood. Whoever had cleaned the mess in the living room did a good job.

  The low murmur of voices floated toward them, several males along with the high tinklings of women. A female stepped into the entry way from one of the rooms down the hall, and slowly came nearer. Trista immediately recognized Keen’s mother… Anna. Before things had gone downhill at their house, she’d introduced herself as Anna. The woman had left before them, intent on returning to their guests.

  “Keen,” Anna murmured and held out her arms for her son. Keen didn’t release Trista, but did give his mother a one-armed hug.

  “Mom. What’s going on?”

  “Oh, well.” Anna released him and stepped back. Even without the ability to scent the air like a full shifter, Trista could tell that unease and worry filled the woman from head to toe. Anna breathed deep and the anxiety worsened. “That’s going to complicate things, isn’t it?” she murmured.


  “Well, someone came by looking for Trista, but he’s also—”

  “Anna? Keen?” George, Keen’s father, followed Anna’s path. “He’s waiting.”

  “He who?” Keen voiced Trista’s question.

  George’s gaze shifted from Keen to Trista and back again. “Southeast Keeper Foster.”

  The dread filling Trista’s stomach tripled and sweat sprung from her pores. It coated her skin in a sudden wave and sank into her clothing. It stung her new wound, making it ache and throb, but it also reminded her of Keen—of his promise.

  George cleared his throat and then spoke again. “Quinn Foster.”

  A new tension thrummed through her mate, pulsing through his body and transferring to his grip on her hand. He tightened his hold, as if his body were looping in on itself, and she grasped their joined hands with her other one.

  She knew why the Keeper scared her; she’d lived and nearly died by his word alone through the years in exchange for her help. She wasn’t sure why Quinn Foster would…

  Oh, dear God, no.

  “It’s that Quinn, isn’t it?” She didn’t have to explain more, not when George focused on her and gave a quick, brisk nod.

  “It’s going to cause problems. Originally, the charges were due to extenuating circumstances and your relationship, but with Trista…” His father’s voice trailed off and she wanted to curse at him to continue.

  Before she could demand an answer, Ty joined their impromptu, anxiety-laden party. “They’re waiting.”

  “They?” Keen’s voice was a rough croak. Some would consider his actions as ones of fear, but Trista knew the truth. It was remorse and worry. She didn’t think her mate feared anything.

  “Reid.” Ty snapped the wolf Alpha’s name.

  The change in Keen was blatantly visible. He shrugged off the shakes and rose to his full height, chest swelling, and she realized that in truth, her mate was larger than Ty. It was obvious he’d spent years attempting to appear smaller than the Grayslake clan leader when, in fact, he was much bigger. “Sounds like you’ve created a great party. Is Van in there too? Anyone else who’d like to see my mate broken and bloody?”

  It was rough and grating and downright aggressive, but Trista couldn’t fault Keen for his abrasive words. Especially since they crowded her throat as well.

  “Keen,” Ty sighed and opened his mouth to speak again, but her mate didn’t give the man a chance. No, he merely pushed past his family and dragged her toward the room the trio exited.

  Then she was more than happy to turn her happy butt right around.

  Because yes, Van was there along with Lauren. And yes, Reid had arrived as well with Adrienne at his side. The she-wolf wiped away a droplet of drool as she stared at Trista and she suppressed the desire to cower behind her mate.

  Another male stood nearby, one that rivaled Ty in size yet was nowhere near the Itan’s strength. Oh, she had no doubt he could hold his own in a fight, but he didn’t hold the innate power that seemed to flow from Ty and… Keen.

  Was this Keeper Foster? Or was it the thinner, older man at his side? The younger, and larger, of the two had scars that lined his arms and he directed a hate-filled, revenge-seeking gaze at Keen. The other seemed like he would happily murder everyone in the room without a moment’s hesitation.


  “Well? Who wants to go first?” Keen’s tone was antagonizing and abrasive, but Trista couldn’t blame him. Not when they were faced by someone from the Southeast inner-circle, Reid, and Van at the same time.

  Trista prayed they could figure things out before it got bloody.


  It was about to get bloody. Keen was sure of it. Reid’s yellow-eyed gaze was centered on Trista as were Van’s midnight orbs. Then there was Quinn Foster. He was older now, age giving him an increased size while his position gave him a haughty attitude. Keen would beat it out of him if the male thought he’d speak to Tris again. The bear was more possessive and protective than ever now that he’d sunk his teeth into her flesh. He’d claimed her and he refused to let her go.

  Ty eased past him, moving until he stood slightly before Keen and to the right. It was a position of dominance without being protective. One that said Keen was his bear, but he could stand on his own paws. At least his eldest brother gave him that much. Van still looked like he wanted to go after Trista.

  He’d really hate to have to kill one of his brothers. It’d piss off his mom.

  “Anyone?” He tried again and the men in the room exchanged glances, his enemies looking for a sign from the others before stepping forward. It was like that, then. They were working together somehow.

  His dad pushed past him and Trista, taking up a stance that mirrored Ty’s. It surprised him, this protection and assistance. What was his father playing at?

  “Van?” Dad’s voice cut through the tense silence.

  Van shook his head, blazing glare focused on Keen for a moment before shifting to Trista. “It’s better this way. He’ll be free of her. You have to see how that’s better for him. It will mess up some things, but…”

  Lauren reacted before Keen had a chance to let his brother’s words sink into his heart. The pregnant woman yanked her arm from Van’s grasp and spun on him, shoving his shoulder until they faced one another.

  “What do you mean ‘free’? You said we were here to support Keen. That you still had an issue with her being a hyena, but that you wanted to help your brother,” Lauren snapped and snarled. Very threatening considering she was a human.

  “Quiet, human. What place does she have in this room?” That came from the older male beside Quinn. He wasn’t sure what the man had to do with the proceedings, but Keen didn’t like him already.

  “Oh, bite me,” Lauren growled, curling her lip. Pregnancy had made the wom
an scary.

  “Female…” The older man took a step forward, his eyes darkening to black, and that had Van shoving Lauren behind him, answering the male’s rumble.

  Keen spared a glance for Reid, noting the smirk that graced his features. He really wanted to neuter that wolf.

  “Enough.” Ty’s voice was quiet, but firm, and everyone fell into silence.

  Except for Lauren. No, the woman stomped from Van’s side and came straight toward their small gathering, pushing her way behind Ty. He glanced over his shoulder and found her with one arm wrapped around his mother’s waist while the other was circling Mia’s.

  He turned his attention back to Van, narrowing his eyes. “How will I suddenly find myself ‘rid’ of Trista, Van? Do you hate her, hate me, so much that you’d betray your brother and his mate?”

  “She’s not your real mate, Keen.” Van shook his head. “She’s bad news and it’s good that you haven’t—”

  “She’s mine!” he roared, shaking the entire home with the strength of the sound. “Bound by claim and bite, she’s mine.”

  Trista’s grip tightened but he didn’t scent fear from her, only pride.

  Van’s face paled, skin lightening until it was nearly white. “You…” He swallowed hard, Adam’s apple bobbing along his neck, and Keen’s bear was tempted to rip out the flesh. Van was involved in something, a plan to separate him and Trista. That wasn’t going to happen. “You bit her, you’re fully mated?”

  “Yes,” he hissed, daring his brother to comment further.

  “Oh, shit.” Van’s gaze shifted to Reid’s and then Quinn’s. “You can’t do this.”

  “Oh,” Quinn smirked. “I definitely can.”

  Keen gave Quinn his full focus, noting the excitement filling his gaze as well as the fur that covered the man’s scarred arms. The male at his side was similarly eager for what was to come.

  “Ty? Do the introductions.” He didn’t blink twice at giving his brother an order and Ty was smart enough not to comment on the lapse. Keen was too close to the edge to beg and scrape for anyone, not even the clan’s Itan.

  Ty raised his arm and pointed around the room, repeating names as his focus changed. “Reid, Redby Alpha. Adrienne, Redby wolf.”

  “Beta,” Reid put in. “I made her my Beta.”

  “Right. Beta,” Ty added.

  “Progressive of you.” Keen raised an eyebrow.

  Reid returned the expression. “Convenient.”

  “Hmm…” Keen hummed.

  When he said nothing else, Ty continued. “Quinn Foster, Southeast Keeper.”

  Keen knew who he was. He was more interested in the other male.

  “And Malcolm Porter, Second-in-Command to the Southeast Itan.”

  Malcolm tilted his head in acknowledgment. Keen didn’t bother returning the gesture. He hadn’t recalled meeting the male during the Southeast Itan’s visit almost seven months ago, but the clan had been in an uproar.

  Every opponent in the room was part of a puzzle and he was anxious to fit the pieces together. It wasn’t until they were aligned in a pretty row that he’d realize the shit storm that’d erupted around them.

  “Any reason Terrence didn’t want to tag along?” He kept his tone smooth and free of emotion beyond passing curiosity.

  Ever since he’d spoken with the Southeast Itan months ago, he’d been on a first-name basis with the powerful male. They’d eventually moved from speaking about the laws broken by Mia’s grandfather to their favorite sports teams and the antics of his growing and adult children. They weren’t close friends, but they weren’t strangers either. Terrence appreciated Keen’s computer talents and knowledge while Keen appreciated talking with a man who took the time to know him as a worthy bear, not as an Abrams brother.

  Malcolm bristled. “How dare you speak of—?”

  Quinn placed a hand on the older man’s arm, cutting off his posturing. “Unfortunately, Itan Jensen is otherwise occupied. We are here in his place.”

  “Uh-huh.” Keen crossed his arms over his chest, uncaring if his aggressive stance annoyed the opposing males. “What’s this about?”

  Van approached him from his right and he looked to his brother. When Van opened his mouth as if to speak, he cut him off. “Oh, you’re not talking right now. And depending on what happens next, you may never will.”

  He’d make sure of it. He’d lived with disinterest, survived the agony of his punishment only to be thrust back into the world of apathy. Now that he’d found something to live for, he refused to acknowledge anyone who threatened his new peace.

  “So, who’s first?”

  Quinn stepped forward, the Second-in-Command at his back. Typical old male. Useless.

  “When you were fourteen…”

  Screw it. Keen would finish the story. Give a nice summary for everyone in the room. His father knew most of it, but he doubted many others did. “I fell in love with Jessa Clark, but she didn’t want me. She wanted to be fucked by you. When I found you two together, I beat the ever living shit out of you and hurt her in the process. I thought you were dead. You weren’t. I was punished and have lived with the guilt and remorse every day. Oh, and you were an asshole then. It seems like you still are now.” He looked around the room, letting his gaze linger on the other males, shifting his attention from the Second-in-Command as he still cowered, to Reid and his she-bitch, then Van’s still pale face. “Anyone got anything else they wanna know?”

  Ty leaned in. “You were fourteen.”


  “He was—what—seventeen then?”

  Keen nodded. “Not long after his birthday. A few months maybe.”

  “So, he had the beginnings of an adult’s bulk and two years of training? And you kicked his ass?” The disbelief was easily heard in his brother’s voice and Keen’s bear didn’t care for it at all.

  Letting the bear rush forward, he increased in size, his teeth sliding free in a flash as fur rippled over his skin. He knew his abilities and knew how they compared to the others in the room. He was faster, larger, stronger… He just didn’t want to do anything with all that power.

  Keen stared at Ty. “Yes.”

  Quinn coughed, bringing everyone’s attention back to him. “Your father and mine argued about your punishment and it was ultimately placed before my grandfather as he was the Southeast Keeper at that time.”

  Keen wasn’t sure how that’d all gone down, but it seemed he was about to find out.

  “Grandfather heard testimony, including Jessa’s, and it was decided that, as a young male, you’d assumed more emotion was attached to your friendship than what truly existed and felt you were defending a mate. Your strength notwithstanding, he determined you were a child in need of retraining.”

  A child shouldn’t have to endure daily beatings that merely enraged his animal rather than trained it.

  “The thing about it is, Jessa has had… a change of heart.”

  Keen froze, tumbling the words through his mind. “What do you mean?”

  “She has admitted that you two planned to assault me, kill me, because you were jealous of what I had.”

  He snorted, he couldn’t help it. It was too funny for words. “What did you have that I didn’t?”

  Quinn’s voice was filled with ice, his eyes holding nothing but malice and hate. “A loving family.”

  The words speared his heart and he sucked in a harsh breath. The pain dug into him, the truth making it ache even more, and he fought to appear unaffected. Anger flowed from his father, the scent tinged with regret while pure confusion floated from Ty’s direction. Of course his brother wouldn’t understand.

  “No objection?” An evil smile played around Quinn’s lips.

  “We didn’t plan anything. Jessa may have been…” He hesitated. The words “a slut” popped to his mouth, but he swallowed them back. “… free with her favors, but I doubt she’d fuck you just to lure you to your death.”

  The Keeper shrugged. “And
yet she admitted she did.”

  “And what punishment did she suffer for her part?”

  “Oh, her cooperation was rewarded with a suspended sentence. You, however, won’t get so lucky.” He clucked his tongue. “You should have shown more control. Now you’ll have to pay for that.”

  Keen kept his gaze centered on the too cocky Keeper while rolling through the laws of the clan. God, he knew today’s laws, but not those from years ago. Each year they were changed, tweaked, and refined. What was valid then might not be valid today and who knew what it’d be like ten years from now.

  “What’s the charge and how will I pay?” So many laws overlapped.

  “Premeditated initiation of a Challenge outside a clan sanctioned gathering.” Quinn laid the charge at his feet and Keen waited for the rest. The male gloated, happiness spreading with each passing second. “As for your sentence, I’m going to be merciful. My options are death or permanent marking of your disgrace and banishment.” Quinn’s eyes deepened to black. “I choose to dig my claws into your face and retroactive banishment.”

  “What…?” Keen furrowed his brow.

  Malcolm cackled then, crazed joy overtaking him while the sounds echoed off the walls. “You won’t be tainting the bears further, Abrams. Your brothers are destroying their lines, but you won’t add to the destruction of Grayslake.”

  Trista fisted his shirt, her fear palpable in the room, overriding every other scent. “Keen, oh God.”

  His bear reacted to her panic, pushing forward, forcing his body to swell and prepare to shift. He wouldn’t tolerate anyone scaring her. Not his family and sure as hell not the Southeast Second. He didn’t give a fuck about the man’s position when it came to Trista.

  “What does that mean?”

  “Oh, shit,” she gasped.


  “She knows.” Quinn’s gaze shifted from him to Trista and Keen was quick to cut off the man’s line of sight.

  “Trista?” Keen tried again.

  “He’s right. The laws say he can do that. And banished retroactively means you haven’t been part of the Grayslake clan since you were fourteen. Which is fine, because a banishment strips your clan association, but not your family. You were still allowed on clan land as long as your family is in power. But,” she faltered, her breathing audible and harsh in the room. “But because you’re not part of the Grayslake clan, it means I’m not either. So…”