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Roaring Up the Wrong Tree Page 15

  And she hurried to catch up with his long-legged stride as he made his way along the rock-strewn ground. He strode over small patches of gravel and large clumps of stones, never slowing his pace.

  She wanted to stop and enjoy the view, marvel at nature’s painting and the fresh air that surrounded Grayslake. Instead, she raced after him. Normally she’d whine and cower, unwilling for a gorgeous man like Keen to see her jiggle. But there were more important things than vanity, weren’t there?

  Staring at the stiff line of Keen’s spine, the way his hands trembled even though he’d fisted them to prevent the shakes, the brown fur coating his arms and the tautness of his clothes…

  Yes, there were more important things in the world. Mainly: Keen.

  How long did they travel before his pace finally slowed? A half hour? A full hour? How about two? Trista didn’t know. All she did was keep her attention fully focused on his back, watching the shift of muscles while he kept his determined stride steady. She was exhausted, beyond exhausted, but hadn’t said a word. Not when his bear so obviously rode him hard. She didn’t want to set off the animal. He wanted her with him so she did her best to keep pace.

  It hadn’t been easy and by the time he stopped, by the time he crumpled to the ground just inside the mouth of a small cave and leaned against the roughhewn wall, she was ready to collapse. Hell, she did collapse into an undignified, roughly panting heap. There was no grace in sprawling spread-eagle on the ground. There was only relief at the fact the man wasn’t forcing her to take another step.

  A low, masculine whimper flowed into a gentle, rolling growl and suddenly Keen’s hands were on her, pulling her from the earth and into his lap.

  “Oh, Tris. I’m sorry, baby.” He made another whining sound, his hands sliding over her skin, massaging her muscles. “I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have dragged you out here.”

  Yes, he should have, because he obviously needed her.

  “I’m…” She drew more air into her lungs. She couldn’t lie to the man. He was a shifter, he would have scented her deception. Instead, she went for the shined up truth. “Fine-ish.”

  His furred arms wrapped around her waist and he buried his face against her neck, breathing deep and stirring her hair with every exhale. They sat there, she trying to catch her breath while he seemed intent on drawing in as much of her scent as he could.

  Like at the bed-and-breakfast, the soft lapping of the lake lulled her, encouraged her heart to resume its normal beat as her breathing calmed. Her body matched the ebb and flow of the water, forcing her to relax into Keen’s embrace. As the tension inside her drained, so did her mate’s until they moved as one.

  Slowly his tanned skin was revealed and then his body deflated in a heaving rush as if he were a popped balloon.

  “Keen,” she whispered, unwilling to break nature’s spell. “Are you okay?”

  He nuzzled her neck, tickling her skin, but she resisted the need to pull away from his touch. It was obvious he needed to lean on her. Her entire life, she’d fought to be independent, living with her mother and without the need to depend on another. Especially after Mr. Scott. Funny how she never referred to him as “Dad.”

  And now… now the future rested on her shoulders. A mating was give and take. It was time for her to give.

  A soft breeze brought the scents of the forest to them, the crisp water of the lake and the gently blooming flowers that swayed in the wind. The low song of the birds filled the air, soothing her further, and she hoped it did the same to Keen.

  Are you okay? It’d been the wrong question to ask him, the wrong direction to travel. He’d been taking care of her from the moment they’d met. It was her turn now.

  “Keen, what do you need?”

  Keen lifted his head and stared at her with midnight black eyes swirling with a hint of brown. The bear lurked, the color telling her without words that he battled with the animal and neither was coming out on the winning side.

  “Tris…” The word was a growl, but still she recognized his nickname for her.

  “What can I do? What’s wrong?” She couldn’t fix him if she wasn’t sure what was broken.

  Keen stared into the darkness of the cave.

  “I don’t want to go inside.” The admission was hoarse and strangled.

  She brushed strands of his hair from his eyes, fingers ghosting over his skin. “Then we won’t.”

  “But we have to.” This was a whisper almost carried away by the breeze.

  He gently lifted her from his lap and then rolled to his feet, steadying her. He twined their fingers together and he led her into the cave. The bright light of day ceded to the dim interior of the cavern until shadows enveloped them.

  Still they walked a few more feet, sliding around a boulder hardly visible in the darkness. Despite the gloom, Trista noted a patch of rock and earth that seemed darker than their surroundings. As if the ground had been stained by… what?

  He pulled her before him, encouraging her to lean against his chest as he wrapped his arms around her waist. His body curled around her, protecting and supporting her.

  She ran her hands over his forearms, grimacing when fur once again coated his flesh. Not because she disliked the bear, but because she hated the war he waged within himself. She hated that her presence wasn’t calming him like so many times before.

  Trista longed to get him talking again, wanted him to release whatever torment seemed trapped inside him. Instead, she remained silent, waiting for him to let the emotions free.

  She waited one minute and then two and after what seemed like an eternity, he spoke.

  “You asked me what was wrong. Why I…” He sighed, breath stirring her hair with the exhalation. He swallowed hard and then did it once again. “I lost everything here, Tris. I lost my soul.”


  Keen stared at the stain, the darkness still present after all these years. Then again, he’d forbidden anyone from coming here, from destroying the evidence of his sins. After they’d removed the bodies… The bodies. Then he’d demanded that his father issue the order to make the cave off limits. It was the only time he’d ever roared at his dad, but it wasn’t a son speaking with his father. It was a fierce bear bellowing at his Itan.

  Thankfully, he’d listened.

  I lost my soul.

  Yes, it disappeared that day. Gone in a flurry of fang, claw, and fur.

  Quinn hadn’t had a chance. Neither had Jessa.

  Trista struggled against his grip and his bear allowed him to release her. They wouldn’t hold her captive, not when his control was nearly shattered and his sanity lingered by a thread.

  Only… she didn’t leave. No, she wrapped her arms around him, hands going to his back as she urged him to resume his position. Only now she could touch him, stroke him, and soothe his animal. He needed that. He couldn’t push the words past a bear’s snout.

  “Tell me, Keen. Tell me,” she whispered and he shuddered.

  Old pain rose hot and fast, burning his blood and squeezing his heart.

  He drew in a painful breath, pulling it into collapsed lungs, and forced himself to let the past rush forward.

  Even after he spoke the words, after he began the story, the events of that day shrouded him and he imagined himself traipsing through the forest.

  “I was coming here to see Jessa…”

  Keen, fourteen and a little bit gangly, but still strong as heck, strode through the forest. He kept to the trees that lined the bank of the lake. No sense in letting his dad catch him sneaking off to see Jessa. Dad didn’t like her, but what did he know anyway? His father didn’t even like him. So, whatever.

  He tripped over a rock, skinning his knee, but by the time he brushed off the dirt and grass, he was healed. Kinda cool since his older brothers couldn’t get better that quickly. But they would be the next Itan, Enforcer, and Healer. Not Keen though. He was just… Keen. Bratty brother, ignored son, and wicked strong. He could probably take on Ty. Maybe even
win. Definitely could when he grew up and finished this puberty crap.

  Whatever. Again.

  He pushed to his feet and was more careful. Getting slowed by falls and injuries meant less time he’d spend with Jessa.

  Man, she was so beautiful. Her hair was long and shiny when the sun hit it. And she was sexy and curvy. Her boobs were huge! His thing—his brothers called theirs dicks—got hard whenever he was around her. He felt more like them when he thought of it that way. Then he remembered they didn’t think of him at all.


  Jessa thought of him. She always spent time with him, sat with him near the cave and it sorta calmed his bear. She made it not wanna take on his dad or fight his brothers. The animal liked the sight of blood and it freaked Keen out a little. Okay, a lot.

  Which brought him back to Jessa and how she made it not want so much.

  He smiled and jumped over a fallen log. He liked her a lot and he’d tried to kiss her a couple of times but she said she wanted to take things slow. She also didn’t want to be his girlfriend, but that was okay, he guessed. She liked him enough to meet him out here. It’d happen eventually.

  The birds sang, filling the air with their sounds. They knew he was happy and stuck around. Usually they shut up when he passed, like they knew his bear was angry all the time. Today he wasn’t because he was going to see her.

  Part of him wondered if he should be traipsing out here. She hadn’t called or texted him, but he’d seen her car shoot down the side road that led here. Well, it wasn’t much of a road, really. Sort of a path people made over the years.

  He would have missed her if he hadn’t been outside, watching Ty and Van train with their dad. Yeah, their dad, not really his.

  Anyway, she went by and Keen managed to wander off when no one was looking. Not that they did all that often anyway.

  He neared the mouth of the cave and he knew he’d have to leave the camouflage of the trees soon. He paused near the opening and slid behind the trunk of a tree. He peered out, looking toward his house and saw his brothers and Dad training. Two on one and still his father was winning. With the fur flying, they wouldn’t see him.

  He raced over the damp ground, feet slipping when he hit a really soft patch, but he still made it inside. They wouldn’t be able to see him now. Not really.

  The air in the cave stank a little. Stale and wet even though it hadn’t rained. He supposed that was because of the lake being so close. He shrugged. Not that it mattered. Jessa never complained about the smell and still visited him.

  Keen took a step deeper into the space and then another, gravel and rocks crunching under his shoes. He managed a total of four steps before he heard the first sound. It was kinda low, a deep moan. It was followed by a quick gasp and then a groan.

  But then… then there was a whimper and another moan and he thought there was a sound kinda like a slap. Maybe? He was only used to hearing punches and this didn’t seem quite like that, but close.

  Was someone fighting? Here? Nah. He didn’t scent any blood.

  Another groan followed by a low whine then a softly murmured “Oh, God.”

  That he knew. He’d know Jessa’s voice anywhere. He’d never heard it like that, breathy and moan-y, but when it was followed by a few more slaps, his bear reacted.

  Shit. It reacted a lot.

  Shifting still hurt, mostly because he didn’t let it out too often, and it burned like hell now. His fingers snapped and stretched until claws formed while his muzzle pushed into place, teeth replaced by long fangs. It didn’t come out completely, the space was small, but it shoved forward to attack and defend.

  More slaps came, Jessa’s cries, audible and bouncing off the cave walls.

  He was hurting her. Her. His Jessa.

  Using his bear’s enhanced eyesight, he navigated the cavern with ease. Even after the sun no longer filled the space, he could see without a problem. The larger boulders that littered the ground hardly hindered him. The sounds of Jessa’s struggle intensified as he neared her, filling his ears and spurring the beast’s rage. His human half cried out as the bear snatched more of his control.

  It was jealously protective of Jessa. It’d claimed her as his. At least for now. It knew she wasn’t their mate, but she was still theirs. And she was being hurt.

  He finally rounded the last massive rock. The one that hid them from view day after day when they met. Even if his family looked, they wouldn’t find them.

  So, yeah, he went around the last one and then froze mid-snarl. The sound echoed and bounced against the walls, causing the two people to freeze which gave him a chance to see…

  Only her head was visible, a man’s nude body covering her from shoulders to hips and her legs were wrapped around his waist. Shock coated her face and then anger. At the same moment, the guy on top of her rolled to the side. They were both naked, both stinking of, of… sex. That was it. He remembered the smell now. It’d filled his brother’s car once. His dad had talked to Ty and Keen hadn’t ever smelled it again.

  Until now. Until he saw all of Jessa and all of—he squinted and tried to figure out who the guy was—Quinn. That was it. Quinn Foster. He was a werebear and just turned seventeen. He’d already asked his dad to train him as a guard when he was old enough.

  But… but he was here in the cave, in his and Jessa’s secret place, and, and… fucking her.

  Fucking. They were fucking. Quinn sticking his dick inside his Jessa.

  But she’d been moaning and groaning and maybe she hadn’t wanted…

  “What the fuck, Abrams?” Quinn’s yell bounced inside Keen’s head.

  “Keen, what the hell are you doing?” Jessa’s shout followed on the heel of Quinn’s.

  What was he doing? What was he doing? The bear wanted to know what the fuck his woman was doing here with Quinn’s dick inside her. She was his.

  “Me?” He glared at her. “You’re mine.” He turned to Quinn. “She’s mine.”

  Quinn laughed and climbed to his feet, brushing dirt off as he rose. Keen barely held onto the bear, barely kept it from leaping at Quinn and wiping the smile from his face.

  “Yours?” Quinn chuckled. “My cum is filling her pussy, not yours, cub.”

  Jessa said something, called Quinn an asshole. Then Keen looked at her—looked there even though he shouldn’t because it wasn’t right to stare at a girl like that—he saw what Quinn was talking about.


  Jessa snatched a blanket and covered herself. “It wasn’t like that. Quinn… He…”

  She hesitated and he took a deep breath to try and calm his animal. Only, it didn’t work because he also smelled her blood. Just a little, but enough to know she had bled. Maybe was still bleeding.

  He turned back to Quinn, rage filling him. “She’s mine! You hurt mine!”

  Keen leapt, the shift rolling over him in a blinding rush to the point where his human half didn’t exist any longer. No, he was all bear, a half-ton of rage, anguish, and hate.

  Keen was snapped back to the present by small hands gently stroking his back, petting him with soothing strokes and he noticed the soft murmurs escaping Trista’s lips. Trista, not Jessa.

  Trista Scott.

  “It was…” He cleared his throat, voice hoarse from retelling his story. How long had he been speaking? “I don’t remember much after that. The bear… I was all bear then, Tris. All of it.” He shuddered, new memories rushing forward as if the animal was finally ready to release them to the human’s care.

  He didn’t want them. Not a single one. But that didn’t keep them from overwhelming him and dragging him into an abyss of blood, fur, and pain.

  “I’ll listen to whatever you have buried inside, Keen. Let me carry it for you,” she murmured against the base of his throat, her lips grazing his skin.

  And so… so he released the new memories as the bear handed them over.

  Really, it was Quinn’s laugh that set him off. The boy made fun of him, talked ba
d about Jessa. He was mad at her, too. She let Quinn… do things to her even though she wouldn’t let Keen kiss her. He didn’t understand, didn’t get it, but he did know Quinn was a jerk and the bear didn’t want any other male touching the girl who belonged to him.

  Keen shifted in mid-leap, skin abandoned and discarded beneath his fur. It hurt like hell, but the animal refused to be denied. It played along and let him suppress the beast, but not now. As the change rippled through him, so did the pain, angering his beast even further. Now the bear was pissed at Keen the human in addition to the asshole Quinn.

  He saw Quinn trying to change too, but he wasn’t fast enough, he wasn’t as fast or as strong as Keen. There was no one like him and this proved it.

  A scream echoed and bounced off the rock walls. Jessa’s? He wasn’t sure he cared all that much. Not when Quinn snapped at Keen, teeth coming close to his neck.

  Blood splattered on the wall, followed by a chunk of flesh and fur. It slowly coated Keen, Quinn’s blood changing his fur from brown to deep black. The large boulder at his back kept him from drawing Quinn into the larger parts of the cave, limiting his strikes and bites. The space was small and the bears were big, not giving them much room to battle. Yet they made do.

  A streak of a pale body broke into the darkness, flying past Keen just as he reached for Quinn once again. Somewhere in there, amongst Quinn protecting himself while Keen sought more flesh, Jessa disappeared and quieted. Good, he could deal with her later. After he handled Quinn. Quinn the bastard who, even through the pain, looked at him with laughing eyes.

  Keen kept going, the bear pulling on every ounce of strength and cunning. He wasn’t hindered by teachings on how to fight. That knowledge truly limited a bear. Without those lessons, he reacted on instinct, attacking when another would retreat, slashing when another would dodge. Rules of conduct and engagement didn’t apply. Not to Keen’s werebear, who was more wild than tame.

  That meant when Quinn went down, when he panted and fought for breath and looked near dying, Keen still raised his paw. In his mind, he saw Quinn atop the girl who belonged to him, at his cum dripping out of her and the scent of their sex filling the air. Yes, he was ready to destroy the male who threatened his happiness.